Tag Archive | Marburg

Nigeria: Lassa OutBreak In Oyo State

lassa fever- rat

Weeks ago, the great nation was congratulated to be the the only country that was able to contain and kick out Ebola virus after many cases  confirmed Well, In the cause of this achievement, the contaiment of Ebola’s brother LASSA FEVER as been neglected causing the recent out brake in OYO state(The Biggest City In West Africa).

Nigeria may also be seeing its first outbreak of the season. Only weeks after successfully containing Ebola, Nigerian media have reported an outbreak of Lassa in Oyo State.

Lassa and Ebola are very much alike that only be differentiated by laboratory test.

“Attention has completely shifted now from Lassa to Ebola. There are cases of Lassa fever being actually considered to be Ebola cases in many places,” said Prof Christian Happi of Redeemer’s University in Nigeria.


Outbreak Of Another Deadly Disease: MARBURG HARMORRHAGIC FEVER !!!!!

This is really shocking and scaring as another haemorrhagic fever called Marburg Haemorrhagic fever breaks out. The world is still in chaos and fear as the cure of the deadly Ebola virus which has claimed 4000 lives (according to WHO)   hasn’t been found. Us borders is very tight as they screen travelers, UK is already preparing for the visitation of the Ebola virus.

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