Tag Archive | IMPLANT

Google Creates Watch That Can Detect Cancer





  • Google is developing a system that requires users to swallow a pill containing disease-detecting nanoparticles and wear a wrist-worn sensor, The Daily Mirror reported Wednesday.

  • The system, being deveoped by the company’s Google X research unit constantly monitors the blood for the unique traces of cancer, enabling diagnoses before symptoms appear.

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Nigerian-British girl dies after failed Butt enlargement surgery in Thailand

'Carying and funny': Joy Williams, 23, died on october 23 after travelling to Bangkok for buttock augmentation surgery

‘Carying and funny’: Joy Williams, 23, died on october 23 after travelling to Bangkok for buttock augmentation surgery

A Nigerian-British young lady Joy Williams of age 24 year-old died in Bangkok after £2000 butt enlargement surgery failed. Her travel and intention was unknown to her family. Arraignment is being made to the her body back for proper burial

Daily mail report

The family of a British girl who died while having cut-price plastic surgery in Thailand have revealed that they didn’t know she had gone abroad.

Joy Williams, 23, from Thamesmead, was described as a ‘caring and funny’ girl who was ‘loved by everybody.

She died on October 23 after travelling to Bangkok to have £2,000 buttock augmentation surgery.

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First transplant of ‘dead’ heart

The console where the heart is “reactivated” is being called the heart-in-a-box machine


Surgeons in Australia say they have performed the first heart transplant using a “dead heart”.

Donor hearts from adults usually come from people who are confirmed as brain dead but with a heart still beating.

A team at St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney revived and then transplanted hearts that had stopped beating for up to 20 minutes.

Read more after the break…… Continue reading

HOPE: Paralysed man walks again after pioneering spinal surgery

A man paralysed from the chest down has managed to walk again following pioneering cell transplant surgery. Darek Fidyka, 38, from Bulgaria, was paralysed in a knife attack in 2010, but can now walk using a frame and leg braces. Surgeons in Poland transplanted nerve cells from his nose into his severed spinal column where they started to grow back and restore function


Bionic arm restores sense of feeling


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Advances in bionic hands have restored a sense of touch to two patients for more than a year, report US scientists.

The men can now delicately pluck the stalks out of cherries.

Sensors on the artificial hand are used to send signals directly to the nerves, the study, published in Science Translational Medicine, said.

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MTN Data Plan Price Slashed and Subsidized


Mtn is back again as they have subsidized data plan. They celebrate independent with Nigeria with this promo, you can now browse with your Mtn number at a very cheap rate. The data price reduction is ongoing and it won’t stop any time soon. So hurry up now and get yours.

Check the list of Plan below

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