Tag Archive | hero

13yr Boy Stabed Mother’s Bf

Credit: Fox

Darvon, 13 year-old boy was forced to stab his mother’s boyfriend in rescue mission of his mother who was almost being beaten by her boyfriend Keith Childress.

While the children were getting prepared for school around 7.am, Keith Childress began hitting and kicking Darvon’s mother. When Darvon and his sister tried to stop the abuse, Keith toward the abuse to them, beating them.
Angry Darvon went for the knife in the kitchen and stab his mother’s boyfriend.

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Happy 100th Birthday To Jonas Salk Who Saved The world

Jonas Salk create vaccine for polio

Jonas Salk

Well, the name might not sound familiar but this man saved the world after seven years of researching and  creating the first  successful inactivated polio vaccine.

Salk, who died in 1995, is remembered Tuesday around the medical world; there’s even a Google doodle perched atop its search page.

Extract from Wikipedia

Until 1957, when the Salk vaccine was introduced, polio was considered one of the most frightening public health problems in the world. In the postwar United States, annual epidemics were increasingly devastating. The 1952 U.S. epidemic was the worst outbreak in the nation’s history. Of nearly 58,000 cases reported that year, 3,145 people died and 21,269 were left with mild to disabling paralysis,[1] with most of its victims being children. The “public reaction was to a plague”, said historian Bill O’Neal.[2] “Citizens of urban areas were to be terrified every summer when this frightful visitor returned.” According to a 2009 PBS documentary, “Apart from the atomic bomb, America’s greatest fear was polio

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UK Telegraph : “Meet The Man Who Tamed Nigeria’s Most Lawless City”

Gov RAji FAshola, Man who tamed lagos

I have seen many governors in Nigeria but, he is exceptional, indeed he is a great leader others should follow,  i have never witness any governor that does his work to the nuke and cranny like him. He didn’t wait for the federal government but taking neccesary step even when he had to put his money in containing  the deadly virus Ebola  that invaded Lagos state(The most populated state in Nigeria , containing over 20 million people from different country, state and tribes).  He transformed Lagos to small London.

In a piece titled “Meet The Man Who Tamed Nigeria’s Most Lawless City”, UK Telegraph chronicles how Governor Fashola came into office and transformed Lagos and also how he effectively managed the Ebola epidermic in the state.

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obama hugs  first ebola patien Nina

Nurse Nina Pham, the first person to contract Ebola in the US met with president Obama at The White this afternoon where she received a hug from him.

Nina, who contracted Ebola while treating Liberian Thomas Eric Duncan at the Emory University hospital in Texas, is now free from the virus after being successfully treated at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda. When President Obama heard she was Ebola-free, he sent word to her asking if he could hug her and she agreed to meet him. Aww…(Photo credit: White House Press)

EFCC Recovers Blind Teacher’s N550,000 from fraudsters

EFCC recovers blind teacher's N550,000 from fraudsters

People are reeally heartless and would do anything to get rich. Imagine fraudster. Imagine gang of fraudsters catching into this woman weakeness to fraud her. thanks to EFCC that helped her recover, her loss

Read the EFCC press blow

 Relief came for a blind teacher, Mary Ihekanacho on Wednesday October 22, 2014 as the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, presented her with a draft of N550, 000 which the anti- graft agency recovered from a gang of fraudsters that swindled her of N 830,000 in a job scam.  Continue reading

PICTURE: Heros Who Fought And Help Contain Ebola Nigeria

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The heros of First Consultant Hospital who helped fight Ebola

W all know the story of how Patrick Sawyer  brought the deadly virus to Lagos State and ended up in the First Consultant Hospital and bla bla bla…..

Here are the beautiful faces of the heroes who reacted promptly to contain the virus and saved millions of live at risk of theirs.


Pictured above: The Chief Medical Director of the hospital Dr Benjamin Ohiaeri (middle) Dr Adaora Igonoh (2nd left), Dr Ibeawuchi Morris (3rd left) Dr Fadipe Akinniyi (2nd right) who got infected but got healed.

Unfortunately four of their colleagues including Dr Stella Adadevoh and nurse Justina Ejelonu died from the deadly viral disease. (Photo credit: Who Health Organization)

Cameroon flies freed Boko Haram hostages to capital

Source : BBC

Akaoua Babiana, the wife of Cameroon's deputy prime minister, hugs a relative upon her arrival in Yaounde on 11 October 2014 Akaoua Babiana, the wife of Cameroon’s deputy PM, was among the hostages released

Twenty-seven people including 10 Chinese workers held for months by suspected Boko Haram militants have arrived in Cameroon’s capital.

The hostages were flown to Yaounde from the country’s far northern region after being freed early on Saturday.

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Tribute to Wing Commander Chimda Hedima Beheaded by Boko Haram

Friends and Comrades of Wing Commander Chimda Hedima Beheaded by Boko Haram are pouring out pain as they pay tribute to the hero of our land. Three days ago, Boko Haram released a horrible video showing how  Chimda Hedima was Beheaded in thier basement.

Hedima’s colleagues, narrating his story on social media said the pilot, born in 1975, crashed his aircraft into the Boko Haram militants base, taking out at least 63 of the terrorists

Although some military sources claimed the man beheaded in the Boko Haram video is unknown to them, friends of Wing Commander Chimda Hedima have paid him tribute on the Nigerian Army Support Group Facebook page for his heroic act.

Read their tribute below Continue reading