Tag Archive | Ebola Virus

Nigerian dad sues US school after daughter is banned over Ebola fears

Nigerian dad sues US school after daughter is banned over Ebola fears

A Nigerian father (pictured above) has sued a school in the US, Connecticut elementary school, saying his 7-year-old daughter was discriminated against and banned from school for 21 days based on irrational fears of Ebola because she attended a wedding in Nigeria.

From Reuters

Stephen Opayemi filed the lawsuit in federal court in New Haven, Connecticut. He asked a judge to order the schools in Milford, Connecticut, to immediately permit his daughter to return to her third-grade class.

Opayemi’s daughter has not experienced any symptoms associated with Ebola and her health is fine, but parents and teachers were concerned she could transmit Ebola to other children, the lawsuit says.

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Australia bans travel flight from West Africa over fear of Ebola

The Australian government today announced a travel ban on all flights from West African countries, including Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. Thankfully, Nigeria is not included.

Making the announcement, the Australia’s Minister of Immigration, Scott Morrison said under the new travel ban, no new visas would be issued to intending travelers from these countries and that all temporary visas would be cancelled, this is all i a bid to stop the spread of the deadly Ebola virus.

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obama hugs  first ebola patien Nina

Nurse Nina Pham, the first person to contract Ebola in the US met with president Obama at The White this afternoon where she received a hug from him.

Nina, who contracted Ebola while treating Liberian Thomas Eric Duncan at the Emory University hospital in Texas, is now free from the virus after being successfully treated at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda. When President Obama heard she was Ebola-free, he sent word to her asking if he could hug her and she agreed to meet him. Aww…(Photo credit: White House Press)

Mali First Ebola Case Confirmed ++ Latest Hope On Ebola Cure

Mali Ebola

Ebola virus is really a traveler as it has had its way to Mali. A 2 year-old girl who brought by relatives from neighbuoring Guinea to Mali has been confirmed positive to the deadly Ebola Virus.

Her mother allegedly died in Guinea and everybody she(the girl) has come in contact are already isolated to be quarantined as the Mali Government is trying to contain the virus from spreading.

According to WHO

Read more to get Latest hope on Ebola Cure

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PICTURE: Heros Who Fought And Help Contain Ebola Nigeria

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The heros of First Consultant Hospital who helped fight Ebola

W all know the story of how Patrick Sawyer  brought the deadly virus to Lagos State and ended up in the First Consultant Hospital and bla bla bla…..

Here are the beautiful faces of the heroes who reacted promptly to contain the virus and saved millions of live at risk of theirs.


Pictured above: The Chief Medical Director of the hospital Dr Benjamin Ohiaeri (middle) Dr Adaora Igonoh (2nd left), Dr Ibeawuchi Morris (3rd left) Dr Fadipe Akinniyi (2nd right) who got infected but got healed.

Unfortunately four of their colleagues including Dr Stella Adadevoh and nurse Justina Ejelonu died from the deadly viral disease. (Photo credit: Who Health Organization)

FACT: How Ebola disease got to Nigeria!!!


Thank God for the won war against Ebola in Nigeria as WHO as declared Nigeria as Ebola free some days ago . We all know the story of Mr. Patrick Sawyer who brought the deadly virus to Lagos State, Nigeria knowing full well he had contacted the virus, he said e came here for cure. Another man sneaked in to Port Harcourt, lots also tried but were all turn turned back.

Actually, they were “invited to come by the ……. Continue reading

WHO Declare Nigeria, Ebola Free Country

Hurray, Nigerian Is declared Ebola Free today by The World Health Organization, WHO, and the Federal Ministry of Health   in a conference held today at Abuja  to formally declare Nigeria. HURRRRAAAYYYYYYYY………..

Our country has really done a great job in containing the virus after after numerous victim, USA has sent Expertise to learn from Nigerian on how to contain the virus.

Liberia has shortage of body bags, supplies to fight Ebola outbreak



(CNN) — As the world reels from its worst Ebola outbreak, the nation hardest hit is declaring a shortage of body bags, which are crucial to preventing the spread of the deadly virus.

Liberia, one of three countries most affected by the outbreak, said it has 4,900 body bags nationwide.

It needs 85,000 more in the next six months, the Health Ministry said in a statement.

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