Tag Archive | chibok girls

Abducted Girls: Boko Haram Raped, Beat Us

Chibok Girls raped by boko haram

Girls and women abducted by Nigerian Islamist group Boko Haram have described their shocking life in captivity in a harrowing new report by Human Rights Watch that was published yesterday.

A 15-year-old girl, who was abducted by Boko Haram and forcibly married to one of its commanders in a camp in the Sambisa Forest, Borno State describe how she was been force to sleep with a militant. She said…

He soon began to threaten me with a knife to have sex with him and when I refused, he brought out his gun, warning that he would kill me if I shouted.

Then he   began to rape me every night … I had never had sex before; it was very painful and I cried bitterly because I was bleeding afterwards.

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Boko Haram Abducts Young Boys And Girls Maiduguri

Men suspected to be member of book haram has been reported to kidnap young boys and girls in Maiduguri today.

According to Vanguard, the Boko Haram sect abducted about 30 young people in Mafa, a village just 50 km from Maiduguri, a local village chief told reporters on Sunday.

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Boko Haram Releases Abducted Women in Adamawa

There are reports that Boko Haram insurgents, who abducted about 50 women and girls from two border villages between Adamawa and Borno states have freed the women among their captives.

Boko Haram Abducted woman


This was disclosed in an interview by villagers, who spoke on the issue with newsmen on the telephone from their hide-outs. They however, said that the exact number of those released could not be ascertained, but that no fewer than 45 girls were still being detained.

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Boko Haram:: 60 Women in Adamawa Abducted

Suspected members of the deadly Boko Haram sect have reportedly abducted sixty women during a fresh attack.

Forty of the women were said to have been abducted in Waga Mangoro and the other 20 were forcefully taken away from Grata, both in troubled Adamawa State.

PUNCH reports that some of the fleeing residents from the area, who called journalists in Yola on the telephone lamented that scores of insurgents riding motorcycles and driving vans had invaded their towns. That they were able to sneak out of the captured towns on Tuesday, but that their villages were ravaged on Saturday.

One of those that


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ALICIA KEY: Bring Back The Abducted Chibok Girl!!

ALicia key chibok girl


 US singer Alicia Keys led other women to the United Nations Headquarters in New York where they called for continued efforts towards the release of the abducted girls. Alicia Keys said it is important everyone keeps talking about the issue until it is resolved because humans have the tendency to move on quickly…

Girl Cut Friend’s Finger To Worship SATAN

Choped cut finger

A teenage girl cut off her playmate’s fingers with an axe because she wanted to make a sacrifice to Satan. The incident happened in Brno, the Czech Republic.

 15-year-old Alena Skrivankova allegedly took her 10-year-old friend Jitka Svehlova to the woods after telling the girl’s parents they were going out to play.

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Alicia keys: “We Must Not Forget” Concerning Abducted Chibok Girls

Alicia Key

The multiple Grammy Award-winning singer- Alicia Keys speaks concerning the abducted chibok girls in Nigeria as the Bring Back Our Girls group held a candle light procession in Abuja in honour of the abducted Chibok girls who have been away for 180days.

She said

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Released Chibok Girl is confirmed 4 Months Pregnant

chibok girl pregnant

Miss Susan Ishaya, one of the abducted Chibok schoolgirls released this week by Boko Haram insurgents, has been discovered to be four months pregnant, confirming the fears of the public that the female students who were kidnapped more than five months ago are being raped and physically abused…..

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