Archive | November 5, 2014

Free Round The World Ticket For A Lucky Lady


Ladies, it’s your time to shine as you could just be lucky winner of the ticket at no cost,
if your name is Elizabeth Gallagher you could the lucky winner of a free ticket around the world,

Jordan Axani, booked a round-the-world trip with his girlfriend in March 2014 ticket for Christmas and New year celebration together but unfortunately, the pair broke leaving the 27year-old man with a ticket in her name.

He tried changing the name on the ticket but he found out it’s near to impossible. He therefore took to REDDIT asking for anybody with his girl friend name and nationalty.

Check his post below

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Indian Man Burn Genital Of A Man Who Raped His Daughter


A man in India was arrested last week for torturing the man who raped his daughter.

The man, a 36-year-old who lives in Dehli, reportedly confessed to using iron tongs to burn the man’s genitals, then eventually strangling him to death. According to the Indian Express, the man told police that he invited his daughter’s rapist—a 45-year-old married man who lived in the same building—over for dinner on Friday night:

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From The Africa Pot Comes From The White Pap.

We are Africans, black but not bad, you don’t judge a tree by its leave.
The molded pot itself has passed lots of situation to give that adorable reddish clay pot, just like every human being, we go through challenges of our lives. We get to the point of ‘oh no, I can’t take anymore, I can’t do it anymore, yet we are survivors.

After the mud collection, it is grinned to dissolve any hard particle, having heavy iron rolling up and down on its surface, making it flat. When you think it’s over, and then you realize it’s the beginning, the pot molder designs it to his preferred choice regardless of mud’s own wish.

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Google Creates Watch That Can Detect Cancer





  • Google is developing a system that requires users to swallow a pill containing disease-detecting nanoparticles and wear a wrist-worn sensor, The Daily Mirror reported Wednesday.

  • The system, being deveoped by the company’s Google X research unit constantly monitors the blood for the unique traces of cancer, enabling diagnoses before symptoms appear.

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Rapist who attacked 18 women Sentence To jail for 315 YEARS

Mhlonishwa Mathebula, 33, was given the mammoth sentence for raping 18 women aged between 14 and 40

Caged: Mhlonishwa Mathebula was considered one of the most wanted criminals in South Africa

Mirror Report:

A one-armed sex fiend who raped 18 women has been jailed for 315 years.

Mhlonishwa Mathebula was nicknamed “the springbok” by South African police because of his ability to evade capture.

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