Archive | November 2014

BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Airstrikes ‘hit ISIS leader’

OMG, JUST GOT THIS FROM DAILYMAIL:l I wont be editing and rewriting.


American war planes have reportedly launched a strike on a gathering of ISIS leaders, critically wounding their leader.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was hurt in the strikes today, according to local witnesses and government sources.

Two witnesses confirmed that

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Photos: Kris Jenner celebrates birthday in Vegas with new man

The reality star turned 59 recently and flew to Vegas to celebrate with friends and her new man, 31 year old Corey Gamble. None of her children was at her bash but Kris didn’t seem to mind, she was in high spirit. See more photos after the cut…

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Kim Kardashian Messes Up On Twitter Badly

Midterm elections in the United States refer to general elections in the United States that are held two years after the four-year elections for the President of the United States (i.e. near the midpoint of the four-year presidential term). Federal offices that are up for election during the midterms are members of the United States Congress, including all 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives, and the full terms for 33 or 34 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate.

Celebrity new site X17 says “She might be into politics, art, and culture now that she’s married to Kanye, but don’t forget she was just a valley girl that worked in a clothing store before her sex tape made her famous!”



LOL: Confirm Price Before Consumption…..LOL

lol, A novice wine drinker, Joe Lentin, ordered for a wine after being told it’s price is ‘thirty-seven fifty’ thinking it means $37.50. After the sumptuous moment, he then ordered  for his bill. Shockingly

 the bottle of Screaming Eagle, Oakville 2011 he’d just ordered cost $3,750 (£2,350) – not $37.50 with tax.

‘I asked the waitress if she could recommend something decent because I don’t have experience with wine,’ he told

‘She pointed to a bottle on the menu. I didn’t have my glasses. I asked how much and she said, “Thirty-seven fifty.”‘

Despite a considerable reduction in price following Mr Lentini’s protests, the businessman was still left with a sizeable $2,200 (£1,388) to pay.

Man injects himself with Ebola DELIBERATELY

WOW, got this from

A man has revealed he has been injected with the Ebola virus on purpose in a bid to fight the deadly disease.

Peter Hubbard said he hopes the small risk he is taking could help create a vaccine to prevent further outbreaks of the disease, which has claimed thousands of lives in west Africa.

Speaking from his apartment in Alexandria, Virginia, Mr Hubbard, a consultant who specialises in natural gas and peer markets, said:

“I get a lot of satisfaction out of the fact that this could potentially develop into a viable vaccine that prevents another outbreak. It might not help out with the current outbreak but it could prevent a future one, so that’s a real plus in my book.” Continue reading

Nigerian man jailed for Smuggling Drug

A Nigerian-German man, Ukachukwu Charles Imoh has been sentence to four years imprisonment for attempted drug smuggling. The 57 year man was caught with more than £215,000 worth of cocaine in 83 packages. After being X-rayed at hospital.

The man who traveled from Germany to Uk by ferry was arrested upon arrival as police but they were suspicious of him. He however claim to be visiting his family but later pleaded guilty after X-ray confirmed 83 wraps of cocaine which had 66% purity level were in his body.

He was charged to court where he was sentenced to 4year imprisonment and will be deported upon completion of his jail term, under the UK Borders Act 2007.