OMG! World Strongest Boy!!!












World’s strongest brothers: Giuliano Stroe, aged nine (left) and his seven-year-old brother Claudiu (right) hit the headlines as they trained to be the world’s strongest boys in a family of bodybuilders dubbed ‘The Hercules’

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These two Romanian boys are of age 7 and 9 and are being trained by their father since toddler.The two started demonstrating acrobatic feats and lifting weights.

According to Daily Mail, these boy lift heavy weights for 2 hours every day f

Iulian Stroe (Father), 35, was determined to make his sons famous and put them through a gruelling two-hour regime each morning while the family lived in Florence.

World Strongest Boy



Giuliano has already broken two world records for 90-degree vertical pushups and another holding on to a pole like a human flag

However, ther was praises and criticisms as some people thinks it is cruel to subject children of such age to hard training while other loved it.

Their parent responded to the criticisms saying

Some criticized the father for subjecting his children to such training, which they characterized as cruel for their age, the others however left positive replies and praised the family.

Both parents explained the children were eager to exercise adding that they had “natural ability for this”.


‘They have a natural ability for this, nothing is forced, it is what God intended for them,’ Mrs Stroe said

Their mother Ileana said

“Nothing is forced, it is what God intended for them.”

What do you think? Cruel or NotBad or Great

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