OH NO! Toddler Lost Left Hand To washing Machine

This unfortunate incident happened a month ago to Lewis,

According to Mirror

 Lewis’ left arm was ripped off last month after he somehow opened the washing machine door while it was in full spin cycle. The petrified youngster was dragged screaming inside the drum and his limb was severed just below the shoulder.

Rachel heard his cries and raced into the kitchen where she found her son with his legs dangling out of the machine that was still spinning.

Describing his ordeal to his distraught mum, Lewis said later: “I opened the door and went round and round and round and I banged my head and then my arm fell off.”

Trading Standards officials are checking the rented washer to find out how the lad was able to open the door in mid-cycle. Mum-of-four Rachel said: “It was terrifying.”

Lewis was rushed to hospital after the accident but surgeons were unable to save his arm.

The curly-haired youngster was left-handed but is quickly adapting to using his right hand.

Rachel is determined he will lead a normal life and before being driven home in the bus, provided by BK Executive Cars from Ashton-under-Lyne in Greater Manchester, Lewis joined the other kids playing in the zoo’s Fun Ark.

He refused to let his disability stop him from having a really wild time.

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