Outbreak Of Another Deadly Disease: MARBURG HARMORRHAGIC FEVER !!!!!

This is really shocking and scaring as another haemorrhagic fever called Marburg Haemorrhagic fever breaks out. The world is still in chaos and fear as the cure of the deadly Ebola virus which has claimed 4000 lives (according to WHO)   hasn’t been found. Us borders is very tight as they screen travelers, UK is already preparing for the visitation of the Ebola virus.

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The fever is known to be the cause of recent death of Ugandan hospital technicians (Health workers). The fever was first discovered in 1967, after it’s simultaneous outbreak in Marburg (where it took its name) and Frankfurt both in Germany, Belgrade, Serbia and Yugoslavia. It was later traced back to imported monkeys from Uganda.

Uganda’s Ministry of Health discloses that a total of 99 people who had been in contact with infected people have been isolated to quarantine. A 30 year old man was confirmed infected with the disease and has given up the ghost at Kampala Hospital.

Marburg and Ebola virus are twin-like in their characteristic

  1. Both have 2 to 21 days of incubation period

  2. Both causes illness marked by severe bleeding(Haemorrhage)

  3. Both causes organ failure

  4. Both have the same host : Fruit Bat and Monkey

  5. Both are transmissible From human to human, through close contact with infected people, their fluid and corpse.

  6. High mortality rate

  7. Cured patient can still transmit the disease after 7 week through the semen

  8. Common symptoms

  9. There is no known cure for both disease

Unlike Ebola virus, Marburg victims often die within 8 to 9 days after the onset of its symptoms.

Preventive measures are those taken in Ebola case

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