Archive | October 12, 2014

Rihanna Forced To Walk With Bare Foot

According to MailOnline, The 26-year-old celebrity was boarding a flight to Miami on Thursday but it seems the airport securing isn’t smiling her as it kept on alarming when she passes through it. The diva had to take articles of jewelry and clothing piece-by-piece until the metal detector stopped beeping. She seems upset as she was forced to take out one of her black leather boots. It’s must really hurt her ego. Don’t over dress in those bling bling irons called jewelries when boarding a flight.

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The popular Madam Tinubu Hall (MTH) at University of Lagos was gutted by fire earlier today. Thanks to the heavens as no life is lost in the furnace however some are injures when they jump from their windows to escape the fire.

According to source, the fire was caused by a careless student who put a hot plate which she used to cook under her bed without letting the heat cool out.

In the absence of water in the school, the student resorted to using the almighty sachet water commonly known as pure saved the day.

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Outbreak Of Another Deadly Disease: MARBURG HARMORRHAGIC FEVER !!!!!

This is really shocking and scaring as another haemorrhagic fever called Marburg Haemorrhagic fever breaks out. The world is still in chaos and fear as the cure of the deadly Ebola virus which has claimed 4000 lives (according to WHO)   hasn’t been found. Us borders is very tight as they screen travelers, UK is already preparing for the visitation of the Ebola virus.

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