Archive | October 9, 2014



Legendary opthalmist Dr. Josef Bille who was recently awarded EPO lifetime achievement for his invention of eye surgery using laser- at his University of Heidelberg laboratory …. could possibly open the door that ends blindness .

He said

“There shouldn’t be any blind person ten years from now in the world,” says Dr. Josef Bille

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Hilarious Pictures OF Celebrities !!!

Don Doro Jazzy..He actually still try to look like a real don in this major throwback photo 

We have been used to seeing them in the light of being cute and adorable faces of celebrities but thanks to that compiled back-in-the-days’ photos of our favorite Naija stars

You most definitely will recognize some of these celebs considering the sharpness of either their face shapes, nose and so on while we bet you might not recognize some due to the drastic facial transformation.

See more hilarious picture  after the cut……..

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First Ebola Vaccine Trials Given To Malian Health Workers

An Ebola vaccine trial has began in West Africa’s Mali according to a report published by NBC News.

The vaccine, which was developed by the US National Institutes of Health, has safely been tested on animals and is the first vaccine to undergo human trials in Africa since the latest Ebola outbreak.


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PARTORANKING: I’ve Slept On The Street Of Ghana Because I Was Homeless


The famous artiste Nneameka Okorie publicly known as Patoranking recalls to his hard days, days he slept on the streets of Ghana because he was homlesss. Well! His story has change. He said to (Ghanaian) Star FMon on his visit to Ghana

.“I had to move from Cape Coast to Accra. I was sleeping on the streets of Osu just to make it. We must make am now…survival at all cost. The only option I had at that point was making it in life because I just had to change the course of my family, the face of my family you know…being the first child…I just say thank you Lord and to everybody that never doubted me. I pray for them still and we’re still together,”

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