Archive | October 2014

Lottery: ‘$4 million!’ Birthday Gift From Dad

wow, this is amazing,.Deisi Ocampo’s father gave her two lottery ticket on October 6th.for her birthday gift and fortunately,the ticket win was 4million us dollars. birthday present


“I rarely play the lottery. My dad buys tickets once in a while and thought it would fun to get me two tickets for my birthday. The following day, I didn’t think much of it when I scratched off the first set of numbers. But when I finished scratching the second ticket, I began to shake and sweat out of nervousness. I just couldn’t believe it was real.”Deisi told ABC News

Even her father didn’t believe when the his daughter called her and broke the new,

“He couldn’t believe it. He thought I was teasing him. When I told him I had won, he asked if it was $500, and I said, ‘No $4 million!

Worst Place On Earth, Lagos: By Lee Abbamonte

This idiot who is believed to be the youngest American to visit every country share this picture and said Lagos State is the worst city in the World in his article. titled ‘Worst Places I’ve Ever Visited,

The young dude is Yahoo Travel expert/writer Lee Abbamonte,

As far as I am concerned, Lagos, Nigeria, is the worst place on planet Earth. I’ve never experienced so much corruption in my life. It was just a horrific experience getting into the country. Crossing in from Benin, we got shaken down by the border guards. In addition to the multiple police shakedowns, the multiple ATM issues were enough for me; three times in two days, the machines dispensed the wrong amount of money. It was oppressive and hot. I couldn’t tell you one good thing about that place.”

I wonder where he took the picture, may be his visit in his former live, definitely not this era because it’s where i lived and was born.

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Tranformation: Kylie Jenner’s lips

17 year old Kylie Jenner’s lips has been talk of the net folks who believed she did something to it andhave started making fun of her  sharing pics(see below) of themselves with fake pouts and bigger lips.

The reality star took to twitter to respond at them, (See tweet below).

but i think her claim is wrong, looking at the miraculous transformation above

See more pics

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HORROR: Look At What Snake Bite Has Done To A Girl’s Legs

Snake bite

Omg, Instagram user juventudmedica uploaded this pictured of a 13 year-old girl who was bitten by a horrible snake.

The venom of snake bite caused severe necrosis causing the leg to shrivel and turn completely black after venom.

She was transferred to Carcaras in Venezuela for medical treatment a month later after the bite.

Dr Arun Ghosh, a GP from Liverpool, told the Daily Mail that the girl will need her leg

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Nigerian-British girl dies after failed Butt enlargement surgery in Thailand

'Carying and funny': Joy Williams, 23, died on october 23 after travelling to Bangkok for buttock augmentation surgery

‘Carying and funny’: Joy Williams, 23, died on october 23 after travelling to Bangkok for buttock augmentation surgery

A Nigerian-British young lady Joy Williams of age 24 year-old died in Bangkok after £2000 butt enlargement surgery failed. Her travel and intention was unknown to her family. Arraignment is being made to the her body back for proper burial

Daily mail report

The family of a British girl who died while having cut-price plastic surgery in Thailand have revealed that they didn’t know she had gone abroad.

Joy Williams, 23, from Thamesmead, was described as a ‘caring and funny’ girl who was ‘loved by everybody.

She died on October 23 after travelling to Bangkok to have £2,000 buttock augmentation surgery.

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Villagers Fleeing Adamawa After Boko Haram Attack

Abeg if it’s you,  will you wait till you are killed. I can’t blame them

This picture was shared on facebook by Jibrilla Madu Gadzama, the National Coordinate of APC  National Youth Vanguard,. He claims it’s the picture of  Mini village  in Adamawa  state fleeing after Boko Haram took over the Army Headquarters yesterday.

Happy 100th Birthday To Jonas Salk Who Saved The world

Jonas Salk create vaccine for polio

Jonas Salk

Well, the name might not sound familiar but this man saved the world after seven years of researching and  creating the first  successful inactivated polio vaccine.

Salk, who died in 1995, is remembered Tuesday around the medical world; there’s even a Google doodle perched atop its search page.

Extract from Wikipedia

Until 1957, when the Salk vaccine was introduced, polio was considered one of the most frightening public health problems in the world. In the postwar United States, annual epidemics were increasingly devastating. The 1952 U.S. epidemic was the worst outbreak in the nation’s history. Of nearly 58,000 cases reported that year, 3,145 people died and 21,269 were left with mild to disabling paralysis,[1] with most of its victims being children. The “public reaction was to a plague”, said historian Bill O’Neal.[2] “Citizens of urban areas were to be terrified every summer when this frightful visitor returned.” According to a 2009 PBS documentary, “Apart from the atomic bomb, America’s greatest fear was polio

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Miley Cyrus becomes the Latest Face of MAC’s Viva Glam for 2015!

    Home     News     Features     Events     Music     Movies & TV     Style     Beauty     Weddings     Career     Relationships     Living     Inspired!  Miley Cyrus becomes the Latest Face of MAC’s Viva Glam for 2015!

Guess what MAC Nation? MAC Cosmetics has announced Miley Cyrus as the latest face of its annual Viva Glam collection for 2015.

Miley joins a fab list of celebrity Viva Glam spokeswomen like Rihanna, Nicki Minaj and Lady Gaga (that’s quite a list). Her first shade is an electric pink that reminds us of strawberry treats.

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Nigerian dad sues US school after daughter is banned over Ebola fears

Nigerian dad sues US school after daughter is banned over Ebola fears

A Nigerian father (pictured above) has sued a school in the US, Connecticut elementary school, saying his 7-year-old daughter was discriminated against and banned from school for 21 days based on irrational fears of Ebola because she attended a wedding in Nigeria.

From Reuters

Stephen Opayemi filed the lawsuit in federal court in New Haven, Connecticut. He asked a judge to order the schools in Milford, Connecticut, to immediately permit his daughter to return to her third-grade class.

Opayemi’s daughter has not experienced any symptoms associated with Ebola and her health is fine, but parents and teachers were concerned she could transmit Ebola to other children, the lawsuit says.

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